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Unit 1: Nutrition

Chapter 1 Basic Nutrition
Fat (Lipids)
Cholesterol Scare
Essential and Non-Essential Nutrients
Vitamins and Minerals
Acid-Alkaline Balance

Chapter 2 Popular Diets: The Science
Key Points: Popular Diets: A scientific Review
Characterization of Diets
High-Fat Low-Cho Diets including: Atkins Diet, Protein Power,
The Carbohydrates Addict Diet
Moderate-Fat balanced nutrient reduction Diet including: Weight Watchers,
Jenny Craig, Nutri-systems
Low-Fat & Very Low-Fat including: Ornish Diet, Pritikin Plan
My thoughts Popular Diets: A Scientific Review
MaxCondition Nutrition
XDL Diet
The Anabolic Diet
MCLL (Multiple Carbohydrate Leverage Loading)
Mediterranean Diet
Eat Right for Your Type
Body For Life
Coffee (caffeine) Fast
Intermittent Fasting
Grappler?s Guide to Sports Nutrition
The Fat Burning Diet
Natural Hormonal Enhancement
Get Skinny of Fabulous Foods
The Velocity Diet
Girth Control
Requirements for quality diets
Psychology of eating
Diet layoffs

Chapter 3 Bodybuilder Nutrition Roundtable
Bodybuilder Nutrition Roundtable 1 (featuring Will Brink, Alan Aragon,
Layne Norton, Jamie Hale, and Josh Beaty)
Mtor pathway and influence on bodybuilders
Food combining theory
Coffee and insulin response
Most ignorant theories and philosophies promoted by bb industry
The brightest minds in the world of nutrition
Bodyfat % maxes before beginning lean out phase
Biggest psychological barriers bbers face
Biggest mistakes during pre-contest and mass phases
Water manipulation pre-contest
Description of the perfect bber

Bodybuilder Nutrition Roundtable 2 (featuring Bryan Haycock, Dan Moore, Justin Harris, Martin Berkhan, Alan Aragon, Layne Norton and Jamie Hale)
Pre-contest dairy consumption
Pre-contest fat loading
Differences in terms of physique between clean and dirty eating
BCAA supplementation
Casein vs. whey
Graperfruit and fat loss

Chapter 4 Hormones
Hunger hormones
Peptide YY
Neuropeptide Y and CRH
Pancreatic Polypeptide
GLP-1 and Oxyntomodulin
Growth Hormone
Insulin-Like Growth Factors

Chapter 5 Nutrition: Fact or Fiction
Insulin and obesity
Food combining theory
Coffee affects insulin sensitivity
Bodybuilders trying to get lean shouldn?t eat fruit
Bodybuilders should be eating grapefruit pre-comp (no other fruits are allowed)
Cortisol blockers such as Relacore result in huge weight loss
High protein intake destroys bone health
High protein intake increases risks of coronary heart disease
You can only digest 30 grams of protein per meal
Too much protein destroys kidney function
All amino acids can convert to glucose
Low GI diets are superior to High GI diets
You need to eat every 2-3 hrs to maximize fat loss
Fasted state exercise equals more fat loss
You need dietary supplements to maximize performance and physique
Pre-contest bodybuilder sodium depletion
Pre-contest bodybuilders eliminating dairy
Measuring ketosis with ketostix
Ketogenic diets and ketoacidosis
Ketogenic diets and brain health
Ketogenic diets and cholesterol levels
RDA protein recommendations
Sugar causes obesity
Sweet potatoes are healthier than white potatoes
When eating eggs get rid of the yolk
Sucralose is bad for health and causes obesity
Saturated fat is bad for your health
To be really lean you need to eat clean foods
Eating a bunch of protein will make me muscular faster

Unit 2: Exercise

Chapter 6 Muscular Bio- Energetic pathways & Muscle fiber types
Bio-energetic Pathways
Muscle Fiber Types
Muscular Energetics 3 Pathways
Muscle Fiber Types

Chapter 7 Kinesiology and Biomechanics
General Movements of Major Body Segments
Movement Planes
Anatomical Locations
Muscle Attachments
Muscles Role during Movement
Newton?s Laws of Motion

Chapter 8 Training for Skeletal Muscle Growth
Skeletal Muscle composition
Protein synthesis

Chapter 9 Exercise: Fact or Fiction
Muscle tissue burns way more calories than fat tissue
Sit-ups will help you lose your stomach
Spot reduction
Getting rid of cellulite
6 second abs allow the perfect crunch and perfect mid-section
Muscle will turn to fat if you stop weight training
If you take enough drugs you will look like a Pro Bodybuilder
Hanging leg raises dynamically activate the abs
Weight training stunts growth
Muscle isolation exercises
Seated resistance exercise is safer than standing resistance exercise
Wearing lifting belts weaken trunk muscles
Knee extensions are more effective than squats for knee rehab
The best exercise for fat loss is low intensity long duration aerobics
Wearing strength shoes can increase strength and flexibility
You need to do 3 sets of 10 reps to gain muscle
Bodybuilders need to perform high reps pre-contest
Never lock the knee while performing standing exercises
Avoid back exercise if your back is injured
Performing aerobic exercise is excellent for all athletes
Circuit training is the best way to maximize all around fitness
Janda sit-up eliminates hip flexor activation
Heavy weight training makes you bulky
Heavy weight training makes you slow and inflexible
Strength-speed and Speed-strength
Big muscles equal strength
Light weight training is always safer than heavy weight training
Muscle toning exercise
Don?t let the knees project ahead of the toes while exercising
Pull in the stomach during exercise
Standing db flyes are a good exercise for the chest
Good mornings are safe for the back
To lessen glute development perform lunges instead of squats
Performing sports movements with weights
Suspended walking machines are safer than walking or running
Lying leg press machines train the legs without stressing the back
Machine exercises provide stress the same way as their free weights equivalent
Lean people are fit
Pilates magic
Research tells us
Exercise testing
Types of muscle activation
Aerobics are superior for cardiac health
Heart rate and cardiovascular fitness
Muscle tension and strength training
Plyometrics in aerobic classes
Warming up
Designing sports specific programs
Slow training
No pain no gain
Exercise safety
Ab mania
Sit-up testing
Machine training is safe
Strength and power
Women?s Fitness

Appendix 1: Biochemistry, and Genetics

Appendix 2: Vertical jump

Appendix 3: BMI and Bodyfat estimation charts
