γλουταμίνη και κρεατίνη ανταγωνίζονται μεταξύ τους;
από λίγο διάβασμα άλλοι λένε ναι άλλοι όχι και μόνο γλουταμινικά πεπτιδια είναι οκ!!! εσείς τι πιστεύετε;

''Myth: "Don't take your creatine with protein because protein contains glutamine and glutamine competes with creatine for the same transporter!"

The Real Deal: There's not an ounce of truth to this. Creatine and glutamine have completely different receptors. Creatine transport into skeletal muscle is regulated by the Creatine Transporter7 while glutamine transport into skeletal muscle is regulated by a system known as "System Nm." 8 The only thing these transporters have in common is that they are both sodium-dependent transporters, meaning that they use differences in sodium concentrations across the cell membrane to drive creatine into cells. Apparently somewhere along the line, somebody believed that since glutamine and creatine transporters both shared that characteristic, they must be the same transporter and the myth spread from there. Let the confusion end here: they do not share the same transporter, and taking protein/glutamine with creatine won't decrease creatine uptake into muscle.
http://www.musculardevelopment.com/content/view/89/54/ '''

Glutamine Peptides

Unlike L-Glutamine, the other widely available dietary supplement, Glutamine Peptides are much more stable thanks to the bond between the Glutamine itself and the Peptides that are connected to it.

The advantage of this more stable form of the supplement is that it is digested more rapidly, and thus has a faster uptake than other forms. By Taking Glutamine Peptides, you will be able to get the benefits far more quickly, making it a great post workout supplement to enhance muscular recovery and muscular growth.

There are a number of other benefits available for users of Glutamine Peptides that make them an even more effective dietary supplement. As with other essential amino acids, glutamine can be beneficial in improving the efficiency of the whole digestive system, and the action of the peptides as an anti-oxidant is well documented.

και κάτι τελευταίο που είδα είναι ότι στα nitrix της bsn(κρεατίνες δεν είναι αυτά;;) το γράφει κιόλας πάνω να μην παίρνονται μαζί με γλουταμίνη και σε κάθε περίπτωση η ημερήσια δόση γλουταμίνης να μην ξεπερνά τα 5γρ γιατί δεν θα έχουν το effect που πρέπει;;;